Thursday, September 17, 2015

lilbroomriders blog: The Empty Chair

lilbroomriders blog: The Empty Chair: The Empty Chair I look at your chair, I think to myself, You should be there Sitting in your chair...

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

EVEN CELEBRITIES don't have these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please check us out, we are new trying to get the word out , would appreciate your support! THANK YOU!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why do People Kill?

So, why do people kill? Besides the rage, spur of the moment anger, jealousy and self defense. What sets them apart from the rest of us , who couldn’t hurt a fly. I’m talking about serial killers, thrill killers, perversion,money.Why do children kill their parents?

So how come some of us kill and some don’t? It is my opinion they lack an empathy chip. It certainly amazes me how someone can take someone else’s life. How can someone be so mean as to hear a person beg for their life, and kill them any way?

It’s a question I can’t answer. I don’t even think the people who commit these crimes can even answer these questions. I spend a lot of time watching true crime, reading books about and studying certain serial killers, forensics on the internet. In all my reading and watching, I have yet to figure out why people commit this crime.

All I can conclude is , they are missing the empathy that most of us have stopping us from killing. People lock them up but very few people try to find out why. There are study’s that they have found some different brain activity than most people have. Jeffrey Dahmer offered his brain to be studied to try to help stop monsters like him. He was murdered in prison, to this day his murder has gone unsolved.

Children who can kill their parents scare me. If a child can kill their own parents, what is going to stop a child from killing another child or anyone’s else. Have we desensitized ourselves from violence, by seeing so much of it in real life and fiction? I don’t know. I just know I am one that will keep looking for the answers.
I believe someday we will find the answer ,then maybe we can stop useless killings.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Many Dr.s is too Many

Doctors, doctors and more doctors. Seems like my whole life is doctors. Half the time they can’t tell you what’s wrong with you. I have consistently asked dr.s what the “diagnos is before and every time I got” what do you mean diagnosis?” I honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Makes me wonder what happened to going into medicine because you cared not for the almighty dollar. I have been sick all my life. I was born with a valve problem, I won’t even try to spell it. My valves keep closing up. When I would try to tell them my heart skipped beats severely. I was told “you’re too young to have anything wrong with your heart. I believed them. In my late 30’s early 40’s, I started having minor heart attacks, and strokes.

So much for me being “too young” to have this condition. I was born with it. Chances are I’ll die from it. I noticed though lately and even then, My dr.s aren’t even examining me, or anything besides what the nurse does, I feel like I’m one of many on a revolving door. They come in talk for 5 minutes or less and then the dr.s gone.

I am on numerous medications, too many if you ask me. I have had 3 back operations and 2 hearts operations.One very scary and horrible, torturous heart procedure. Every time I go in I get a new medication, but no diagnosis. They give me band aids, treat the symptoms and not the problem itself, no cure. I’m not sure I’m ever going to get the answers.

It irritates me when I go to my dr. and the first thing out of their mouths is money. What happened to the good old days , when dr.s cared enough to make house calls. Now they don’t even call and check on you anymore.

Now, I’m not saying there aren’t good dr.s there are. Quite a few in fact. It just seems like today you can’t get help if you have a long term illness and there’s no insurance. I have sat in waiting rooms watching very sick people be turned away because they have no insurance.

We need health reform badly, not someone out to make a buck off of the tragedies of others, People that can’t afford health care should get it. There’s an awful lot of couples both working 40 hours a week,plus. They can’t afford it and should have it.All children and elderly should have health care and great healthcare at that.There are so many holes in our health systems, It’s like no one cares about you.