Friday, September 9, 2011

Tips for Ferret Care

I have over 20 years experience in raising ferrets. It is my opinion, that ferrets make wonderful pets if you have the time to properly love and care for one. Ferrets require a lot of attention; if you are thinking of getting a ferret please know how to properly care for one so that your ferret and you have fun together. I strongly advise getting one as a baby and letting it grow up with you.

I strongly recommend you do not go to It is a porn site. However, is a much better site ,if you are looking to care for your ferret.

Caring for a ferret takes dedication, food, and a place to run safely. In my case, I used to shut my bedroom door so my Sable had plenty of playroom. Ferrets are really playful and excite very easy.

They are always in some minor mischief. If your ferret gets outside chances are good that it will get lost . Ferrets have no sense of direction and are unable to find their way back.

Have a cage equipped with a hammock because ferrets love to sleep in hammocks. I would also recommend getting a nice soft baby blanket on the floor of the cage. Leave an area for the ferret’s litter box; you can purchase a litter box just for them at most pet stores. They sell boxes just for ferrets.

Ferrets drink a lot of water and it is important that their water be changed several times a day. A ferret can dehydrate easily. It will be fatal to a ferret for it not to have fresh clean water several times a day, to ensure they don’t dehydrate.

Ferrets can eat special ferret food or just regular dry cat food and they love kitty treats. Food should be available twenty-four hours a day. A ferret will eat numerous times throughout the day. I found that just making sure they have regular dry cat food or ferret food on hand is good for them. This makes a very happy, healthy ferret.

You will also need to bathe your ferret. I bathed my ferret once a month and found this to be sufficient without the ferret losing it’s body oils. I recommend using a specialized ferret shampoo, It has what your ferret needs in it for a nice shiny , healthy coat.

Make certain you get you ferret fixed! Not only for population control, but for your ferret‘s well being. Female ferrets can die easily during their first mating cycle if she hasn’t been spayed or neutered.

Ferrets are funny, smart animals. Once when we moved we found her stashed food; under the couch was 3 very neat piles, she had been stealing Cheetos, Doritos, and Chocolate. I DO NOT recommend giving your ferret chocolate - that could make your ferret very ill.

You can also buy a clear plastic ball for them to run around the house in, much like people get for their hamsters. My ferrets loved theirs and they get great exercise, as well as playtime.

If you have small children I don’t recommend a ferret for a pet. They can be friendly , but also can get excited playing and bite just a little too hard sometimes.

Ferrets have to be held a certain way due to the curvature of their spine. You must very gently lift them to insure no injury comes to your ferret. Small children can be rough without meaning to, but it can be a terrible injury to a ferret if they aren’t handled properly. If you have small children and would like a ferret, always supervise the ferret and the child.

It’s also a good idea to watch your other animals (cats, dogs, bunnies, etc.) because, as stated above, they excite very easily and the excitement could harm them or the other pet.

Once you’ve had a ferret , you’ll always want to have one because they really grow on you.

1 comment:

  1. Good information, thanks! If I ever have another one, there's some good tips here.
